Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I want to start this post off with a video from YouTube.  Click here to see the cutest kid ever!

Now that I hope you've watched that, I want to let you know what blood has to do with anything.

Today at our school we have a blood drive.  I LOVE giving blood and think you should too!  It saves up to 3 lives when you donate 1 pint.  More than 38,000 blood donations are needed everyday, so when The Red Cross says there is a shortage, they mean it.  I don't think it hurts that much AND you usually get something free (besides the beverages and cookies!)  Today, we get free Chipotle!! :)  Click here to see where you can donate.

Want to know something cool?  The number one reason people donate blood is because they want to help others.  There are good people out there.

Time: Usually about an hour
Cost: 1 Pint of Blood



  1. I would love to give blood but I am not allowed. However, my work does have a blooddrive twice a year and people come out and give their blood just because. It does feel nice doing something for someone just to do it:)

  2. I've often wanted to give blood too, but like the person above cannot. It is just as important to spread the word like you are doing, thank you!

  3. Giving - it's a wonderful feeling. Blood drives are a wonderful reminder that we're all pretty much alike! Blood equals life - let's spread the word and give generously.

  4. both hubby and i give blood every chance we can .. we both have some of the more rare blood types

  5. I'm so happy to hear so many people give when they can and help out when they aren't able to! It's just amazing to me how an hour of time can save someone's life! Thanks for sharing!!!

  6. I am an avid pusher for blood drives! I believe and donate whenever I am able!! Good post, little Vampire!

  7. I was a resident assistant last year at my college, and I got about half of my floor to donate! I was so proud of them! Some of them have become routine donors now!! :)
